QR Code Security

From Convenience to Vulnerability: Understanding the Security Risks of QR Codes

November 28, 2023

Ollie Rayburn


The prevalence of QR codes has surged in recent years, making them a common sight in various aspects of our lives. These square codes have become a vital bridge in a world increasingly dominated by smartphones and mobile connectivity. They offer convenience, facilitating access to information and services, from event passes and restaurant menus to product tracking in supply chains. Businesses also rely on them for payments and more. However, the widespread adoption of QR codes has not gone unnoticed by cybercriminals, who view them as a tempting avenue for phishing and malware attacks. It’s essential to be vigilant and aware of QR code security risks as we continue to integrate them into our daily activities.   

In this blog, we delve into the potential security risks associated with QR codes, expose real-world scam techniques, and provide insights to enhance cyber security measures for both individuals and businesses.  

All You Need to Know About QR Codes 

QR codes are often likened to 3D barcodes due to their distinctive square pattern. These codes consist of an arrangement of squares within a larger square, and they operate similarly to traditional barcodes. While conventional barcodes are limited in their capacity to represent short alphanumeric strings, QR codes stand out by their ability to store more extensive data. 

One of the primary applications of QR codes is in advertising, where their data-storage prowess shines. They excel at holding lengthy strings of information, making them particularly suited for housing URLs. This feature has become invaluable in our smartphone-dominated era, where most individuals carry QR code scanners in their pockets. Anyone can scan a QR code and instantly access the linked website, eliminating the need to laboriously type out the site’s address. Consequently, advertisers prominently feature QR codes on billboards, within magazines, on tradeshow booths, and in various other locations where a QR code is sure to capture attention. 

Furthermore, QR codes serve as powerful tools for organisations to gauge the effectiveness of their diverse advertising campaigns. When a company secures ad placements across multiple locations, it can employ distinct QR codes for each site, each QR code directing users to a unique URL. This strategic approach allows the company to discern which codes people scanned to reach the advertised website. By monitoring these scans, the company can precisely identify which advertisements pique the greatest interest among the audience.  

Why are QR Codes so Attractive to Cybercriminals? 

QR codes hold allure for cybercriminals due to several factors. They can seamlessly replace traditional URL links or file attachments in emails. When scanned, QR codes instantly direct users to specific websites or activate specialised apps. This functionality allows attackers to obscure phishing URLs and malware downloads, often evading email gateways and anti-phishing cyber security tools.  

The unassuming nature of QR codes makes them a perfect vessel for concealing malicious content. While users may be wary of suspicious URLs and dubious links, QR codes often escape suspicion due to their benign appearance. As people become increasingly familiar with QR technology, their guard may drop, potentially exposing them to threats that they would have detected with traditional links. 

Moreover, QR codes are primarily designed for smartphone use. When an email is opened on a desktop, users frequently switch to a less secure personal device, like a smartphone, for QR code scanning, especially in remote work settings. This transition can leave users with less security compared to accessing potentially malicious links on their more secure primary devices. 

How Do QR Code Scams Operate, and What Tactics are Employed? 

QR code scammers employ a wide range of tactics, each aimed at deceiving and exploiting unsuspecting victims. Let’s explore some of the most prevalent techniques commonly used by malicious actors: 

Techniques Used By QR Code Scammers

Tampered QR Codes 

One of the most significant risks associated with QR codes is the potential for tampering. Cybercriminals can easily create QR codes that link to malicious websites or initiate malware downloads on a user’s device. Tampering is achieved by affixing a sticker or an overlay onto an existing QR code, making it challenging to detect the manipulation.  

Malicious Websites 

In attacks involving malicious websites, scammers generate QR codes that, when scanned, redirect users to deceptive websites designed to mimic legitimate ones. Users may be lured into entering sensitive information, such as login credentials, unknowingly providing it to cybercriminals for fraudulent activities.  


QR codes can also serve as vectors for malware distribution. Cybercriminals can create QR codes that trigger automatic malware downloads upon scanning, putting a user’s device at risk. This malware can subsequently infect other devices on the same network, potentially causing substantial damage.  

Phishing Scams 

Phishing is another significant risk. Scammers can produce counterfeit QR codes resembling those from trusted sources, like banks or government agencies. When users scan these fake codes, they are directed to fraudulent websites that request personal information. This stolen data can be exploited for identity theft and other fraudulent activities.  

Data Privacy Risks 

QR codes may pose a threat to data privacy. Scanning a QR code can grant access to sensitive information, like location data or personal preferences. Hackers can use this data to track users’ activities or steal personal information, potentially compromising data privacy.  

Understanding these common techniques used by QR code scammers empowers individuals and businesses to take proactive measures to enhance their QR Code Security. In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying informed and adopting cyber security best practices is crucial to preserve the utility and safety of QR codes. 

What are the Most Common Types of QR Code Scams? 

Fraudsters leverage QR codes as potent tools to lure unsuspecting victims into accessing fake websites or downloading malicious software onto their devices. To protect yourself, it’s essential to be well-informed about the several types of QR code scams: 

Types of QR Code Scams

QR Code Email Scams 

Scammers employ QR code phishing emails in a tactic known as “quishing.” These deceptive emails often impersonate trustworthy entities, urging recipients to scan the embedded QR code. For instance, they may claim that a recent online purchase payment failed and request users to resubmit their credit card details by scanning the QR code. Unsuspecting victims comply, landing on a convincing website where they input their payment details, unwittingly providing cybercriminals with their credit card information.  

QR Code Payment Scams 

QR codes gained popularity for contactless payments, especially during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling touchless transactions and minimising the spread of germs. However, scammers exploit this by placing QR codes in public spaces to pilfer money or credit card data. For instance, deceptive signs in parking lots suggest paying for parking by scanning the QR code. Although the website appears legitimate, it’s a ruse to collect payment information.  

QR Code Package Scams 

Should you ever receive an unsolicited package with a QR code, exercise caution and refrain from scanning it. In this variation of QR code scam, criminals send unordered packages containing a QR code, either inside the package or on the box. Victims are prompted to scan the QR code for order information or returns. However, the ensuing website solicits personal data, including credit card numbers.  

QR Code Cryptocurrency Scams 

QR codes play a significant role in cryptocurrency transactions, presenting yet another avenue for exploitation. Fraudsters may offer a supposed “giveaway,” promising double the cryptocurrency in exchange for an initial crypto transfer. Regrettably, the promised crypto never materialises. Similarly, scammers may lure victims into an “investment” scheme, soliciting cryptocurrency deposits before vanishing without a trace, leaving victims bereft of their crypto assets.  

QR Code Donation Scams 

Impersonating charities or fabricating fake charitable causes, scammers place QR codes on flyers or disseminate them via text or email to solicit donations. Unsuspecting individuals are enticed to scan these codes and contribute to the fraudulent cause, unknowingly providing scammers with their money or credit card information.  

Online Marketplace QR Code Deception 

Online marketplaces are not immune to scammers, who often pose as prospective buyers. They request sellers to scan a QR code, for verifying bank account details. Regrettably, this seemingly innocuous action grants scammers access to the seller’s bank account, resulting in monetary losses.  

QR Code Security Best Practices 

In today’s digital age, where QR codes are everywhere, ensuring your safety is of utmost importance. Cyber security threats often lurk behind these seemingly innocuous patterns. To shield yourself from potential scams and exploitation, familiarise yourself with the following QR Code security best practices: 

  • Stay Vigilant: Exercise caution and watch for red flags, such as suspicious QR code placement, unexpected payment redirections, or requests for personal information. If something seems off or too good to be true, visit the intended website directly instead of scanning the code. 
  • Educate Users: Inform users about identifying and verifying QR codes before scanning. This knowledge is essential in differentiating legitimate codes from fraudulent ones. 
  • Use Certified QR Code Readers: Use certified QR code readers in a secure environment to prevent the execution of malicious codes on your device. Ensure that QR code readers come from trusted sources and are regularly updated to protect against emerging threats. 
  • Encryption: Encryption is a fundamental security practice for QR codes, enhancing their overall integrity in a digital environment fraught with potential hazards.

QR Code Security Tips: How to Protect Yourself When Using QR Codes 

When using QR codes, it’s imperative to remain vigilant and be aware of potential red flags. Pay close attention to any suspicious QR code placement, unexpected payment redirections, or requests for personal information, as these may signal a potential scam. If anything feels unusual or too good to be true, exercise caution and consider refraining from scanning the code. 

QR Code Security Tips: How to Protect Yourself When Using QR Codes

Check the Source

Before scanning a QR code, ensure that it originates from a trustworthy and reputable source. Trustworthy sources are less likely to be associated with fraudulent codes.  

Check the URL

After scanning, take a moment to verify that the resulting URL matches the intended destination. Cybercriminals can create convincing fake websites with slightly altered URLs, so it’s crucial to confirm authenticity.  

Avoid using Public Wi-Fi Networks

It’s advisable to avoid scanning QR codes while connected to public Wi-Fi networks, which are often less secure and more susceptible to hacking. When using a trusted and secure network, the risks of encountering fraudulent QR codes are reduced.  

Dynamic QR Codes

Consider using dynamic QR codes, which can be updated with latest information. Dynamic codes offer greater flexibility and enhanced security. Businesses that frequently need to amend a QR code’s destination URL or provide additional information can benefit from this feature.  

QR Code Readers

Choose QR code reader applications equipped with built-in security features. These features are designed to detect and block malicious QR codes, helping to safeguard your device and personal data.  

Trusted Code Source

Only scan QR codes from sources you trust. By sticking to reputable and known sources, you can minimise the risk of encountering fraudulent or malicious QR codes.  

Destination Verification

Before scanning a QR code, verify the destination URL to ensure it leads to a legitimate and secure website. This simple step can help you avoid falling victim to scams or phishing attempts.  

Avoid Tampered Codes

Exercise caution and refrain from scanning QR codes that appear tampered with or altered. Such codes may harbour malicious intent or lead to harmful consequences.  

Keep your Devices Updated

To stay protected against emerging threats, it’s essential to keep your devices, applications, and operating systems up to date. Regular updates often include patches for known vulnerabilities, strengthening your overall security posture.  

QR Code Security Tips: How to Protect Your Business When Using QR Codes  

Whether your business aims to leverage QR codes for enhanced customer engagement, or you’re a consumer utilising QR codes for accessing information or making purchases from companies, prioritising QR Code security should be a top priority. Here are some best practices to enhance QR code safety: 

QR Code Security Tips: How to Protect Your Business When Using QR Codes

Implement a Mobile Device Security Policy

Develop and implement a comprehensive mobile device security policy for your business. This policy should provide clear guidelines for the proper usage of QR codes, emphasising how to safely verify and handle them. Educate your employees about these policies to ensure consistent security practices.  

Limit Access Control

Restrict access to QR codes within your organisation. Only authorised personnel who genuinely require access to QR codes for legitimate purposes should be provided with them. This control measure helps minimise the risk of accidental exposure or misuse of QR codes.  

QR Code Verification Tools

Consider using QR code verification tools to ensure the authenticity of QR codes before employees or customers scan them. These tools are designed to detect and prevent the scanning of malicious QR codes, thereby protecting your business and its stakeholders.  

Regular Software Updates

To safeguard your business against evolving threats and vulnerabilities, it’s crucial to keep your software, security systems, and applications up to date. Regular updates often include critical security patches and enhancements that strengthen your overall security posture.  


Employ encryption to protect the data contained within QR codes. Encrypting QR code data enhances security by making it more challenging for unauthorised parties to access or manipulate sensitive information. This additional layer of protection can safeguard your business and customer data from potential breaches.  

Monitor Network Traffic

Continuously monitor network traffic for any suspicious activities related to QR code scanning. By proactively detecting and addressing potential threats, you can prevent security incidents from escalating and protect your business’s digital assets.  

Incident Response (IR) Plan

Develop an IR plan specific to QR code-related security incidents. This plan should outline the steps for containing the attack, notifying affected employees and stakeholders, and reporting the incident to the relevant authorities when necessary. Having a well-defined IR plan in place ensures that your business can respond effectively to QR code security threats, minimising potential damage and losses.  


In an increasingly digital world, QR codes have evolved from being a convenient tool for quick access to a potential security vulnerability. Their use is widespread, spanning from everyday consumer applications to critical business operations. While QR codes provide unrivalled convenience, they have also captured the attention of cybercriminals seeking to exploit their functionality for malicious purposes.  

Understanding the issues associated with QR codes is the first step in safeguarding yourself and your business from potential threats. Cybercriminals employ various tactics, from tampering with QR codes to orchestrating phishing scams and malware distribution. However, by being informed and following best practices, you can significantly reduce your risk exposure.  

For users, it’s vital to check the source and destination of QR codes, avoid public Wi-Fi networks, and use dynamic QR codes when possible. Employ trusted QR code readers and verify the origin of QR codes. Additionally, practice vigilance when dealing with QR codes from unfamiliar sources and regularly update your devices.  

For businesses, the implementation of a Mobile Device Security Policy is essential. Limiting access control and adopting QR code verification tools can further enhance security. Regular software updates and encryption measures offer additional layers of protection, while network traffic monitoring and an incident response plan help in mitigating and addressing potential threats.  

As the prevalence of QR codes continues to grow, so does the importance of understanding and addressing the associated security risks. By staying informed and adopting best practices, you can continue to enjoy the convenience of QR codes while protecting yourself and your business from cyber threats.  

Stay secure, stay vigilant, and keep scanning those QR codes responsibly. 

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