cyber security for nonprofits and charities

Cyber Security for Non-Profits and Charities

At OneCollab, we put your organisation’s security first. We recognise that non-profit leaders, like yourself, face constant security concerns. Every non-profit is vulnerable to threats that can result in data loss, financial setbacks, and damage to your hard-earned reputation. Our team is here to understand your unique challenges and to assist you in achieving cyber resilience in an ever-evolving cyber threat landscape.

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Protecting What Matters Most: Safeguarding Non-Profits Against Cyber Threats

Non-profits and charities are undeniably vital in positively impacting society. Yet, they face a growing and concerning challenge—cyber security threats. According to the UK Governments Cyber Security Breaches Survey, a staggering 24% of UK charities reported falling victim to a cyber-attack within the last 12 months.

At OneCollab, we understand that protecting your mission, donor data, and reputation is paramount. Our mission is to equip non-profits and charities with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to defend against these ever-evolving cyber threats.

Speak to an Expert

Do you Struggle with these Cyber issues?


Compromised Email

Have your staff fallen prey to convincing email fraud schemes?

Trojan Horse

Ransomware Threat

Has your nonprofit been a victim or come dangerously close to a ransomware attack?


Security Gaps

Do you face resource constraints, budget limitations, or a lack of oversight when it comes to bolstering your cyber security defences?

Data Protection

Regulatory Risks

Are you struggling to navigate the complex landscape of regulatory compliance regulations?

Security Specialist

Skills Gap

Are your team members prepared? Do they know how to spot the latest cyber threats?

A Strong Cyber Defence Doesn’t Have To Cost The Earth

Affordable cyber security doesn’t have to be a distant dream, especially for charities. Many struggle with the notion, thinking, ‘We simply lack the funds or personnel to do more than the basics.’ Coupled with the heavy reliance on personal devices and a significant portion of part-time or volunteer staff, IT teams are confronted with a complex set of challenges. How can you safeguard dispersed devices, staff, and data on a tight budget?

OneCollab Cyber Security Services for Charities – No New Staff Required

OneCollab equips charities and non-profits with the necessary abilities and resources to safeguard their digital assets without the need for additional staffing or costly endpoint solutions. Our cyber security services provide a comprehensive suite of IT security solutions, including 24/7 monitoring and support, proactive threat detection and prevention, training, and advanced technical tools—all managed seamlessly at a fixed monthly cost, ensuring budget control and simplicity.

Our approach goes beyond mere tools; it’s holistic, addressing human factors, governance, and proactive threat management. With OneCollab, you can stay ahead of emerging threats and protect your mission.

For dependable IT support and cyber security services for charities and non-profits, contact us today!

How We Protect Your Organisation

Managed IT Security Services - Cyber Health Check

Cyber Health Check

We begin with a meticulous assessment of your digital presence, identifying vulnerabilities and potential risks.

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cyber security for nonprofits: vCISO

Virtual CISO

Our experienced Virtual Chief Information Security Officer provides strategic guidance and expertise for your cyber security posture.

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cyber security for charities and nonprofts

Managed Cyber Security Service

We manage your cyber security strategy, allowing you to focus on your mission while we secure your digital world.

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Ransomware Protection for charities and nonprofts

Ransomware Protection

Our advanced measures shield you from the perils of ransomware, preventing potential data loss and financial setbacks.

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financial services cyber security

24/7 Monitoring

Our vigilant experts keep watch around the clock, detecting and responding to threats in real-time.

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Cyber Security for Non-profits and charities


Our next-gen antivirus solutions act as a protective barrier against a wide range of cyber threats.

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cyber security for charities: networks and devices

Secure Hardware & Devices

We ensure that your hardware and devices are fortified against vulnerabilities and intrusions.

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Software Patching


Our automated patch management services diligently keep your systems up to date, plugging potential security holes and fortifying your defences against emerging threats.

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With automated backups, you can rest easy, knowing your information is shielded from unexpected threats.

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As a small charity, managing costs whilst getting the very best support is crucial. OneCollab have helped us with IT support, moving systems and installing their fantastic cyber security services which has been a game-changer for us. Not only have services been affordable, but the team are responsive and give us comprehensive protection and peace of mind knowing we’re doing everything possible to safeguard our stakeholders’ interests.

Sean Pontin Enable Jersey

Unlocking the Benefits of Our Cyber Security Services for Your Charities Organisation


Maintaining Donor Trust

Our security services instil confidence in your supporters, enhancing your charity’s credibility and reputation.

cyber security for nonprofits

Protection against Cyber Attacks

Our robust security measures shield your organisation from cyber threats, preventing disruptions and data breaches.

cyber security for nonprofits

Data Protection

We prioritise safeguarding your data, and ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information.

Lighten Workloads

Peace of Mind

With a comprehensive cyber security plan in place, your data stays safe and secure, providing you with the peace of mind needed to focus on your mission.

Compliance with Regulations

Compliance with Regulations

We help you navigate complex data protection regulations, ensuring your nonprofit remains compliant with developing requirements.

Cost Effective Cyber Security

Cost-Effective Solutions

Our services are designed to be cost-effective, allowing you to allocate your resources efficiently while maintaining high cyber security standards.

Cyber Security for Non-profits and charities

Cyber Security for Charities & Non-Profits

OneCollab, Your Solution to Uncomplicated, yet Robust Security

At OneCollab, we specialise in offering bespoke cyber security services for charities and non-profits at a discounted, fixed monthly cost. Our approach allows you to maintain control over your budgets without the complexities of managing multiple systems and suppliers.


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Frequently Asked Questions


Why is the Charity and Non-profit Sector particularly vulnerable to Cyber Attacks?

The charity and non-profit sector faces unique vulnerabilities to cyber attacks due to a combination of factors:

  1. Attractive Targets: Charities hold funds, sensitive data, and valuable information that cybercriminals seek for financial gain.
  2. Resource Constraints: Charities may be hesitant to allocate limited resources, including budgets and staff efforts, to cyber security when those resources could directly benefit their core charitable work.
  3. Part-Time Staff and Volunteers: Non-profits often rely on a high volume of part-time staff, including volunteers. These individuals may have limited capacity to absorb complex security procedures, making the organisation more vulnerable.
  4. BYOD Practices: Many charities adopt Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies due to cost considerations. However, personal devices used for work are typically harder to secure and manage compared to centrally issued IT equipment.
  5. Critical Services: Non-profits and charities frequently serve as a supplier of last resort, providing essential services in areas where government or affordable private sector alternatives are lacking.

These factors underscore the importance of recognising and addressing the specific cyber security needs of the charity and non-profit sectors. Implementing tailored cyber security measures and providing support and resources can help mitigate the risks and ensure that these organisations continue their valuable work securely.


What are the Greatest Cyber Security Risks for Non-profits and Charities?

The security risks for non-profits and charities are indeed diverse, but some of the most significant ones include:

    1. Phishing: Phishing attacks are a pervasive threat. cyber criminals use deceptive emails or messages to trick staff or volunteers into revealing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links.
    2. Email Compromise: Email compromise attacks involve cyber criminals gaining unauthorised access to email accounts, often through phishing or social engineering. They can then use these compromised accounts for various malicious purposes, including fraud or further attacks.
    3. Fake Organisations and Websites: Scammers may create fake charities or websites that mimic legitimate non-profit organisations. They use these fraudulent entities to collect donations or steal personal and financial information from well-intentioned donors.
    4. Ransomware: Ransomware attacks can disrupt operations by encrypting critical data and demanding a ransom for decryption keys. Non-profits and charities are attractive targets because they often lack robust cyber security measures.

    To mitigate these risks, non-profits and charities should prioritise cyber security by implementing robust measures, raising awareness among staff and volunteers, and fostering a culture of security. Regular training, strong access controls, and proactive monitoring can significantly enhance their cyber security resilience.


I‘m a Smaller Charity; Should I Really Have to Worry About Hackers?

The short answer is yes.

Just like any other organisation, charities handle financial transactions and rely on electronically stored data for their day-to-day operations. This reliance on technology makes them susceptible to various cyber threats.

Moreover, the outward-facing nature of charities, coupled with the sector’s culture of trust, creates an environment that cybercriminals often exploit. Hackers see charities as potential targets due to the perception of weaker security measures compared to larger corporations, making them particularly vulnerable to criminal activity.

In essence, the size of a charity does not diminish the importance of cyber security. It’s crucial for charities of all sizes to prioritise cyber security measures to protect their valuable data and resources from potential threats.


How Might a Data Breach Affect My Charity?

A data breach can have severe consequences for a charity, both financially and reputationally. Charities may face hefty fines if they experience data breaches resulting in the loss or exposure of sensitive information. These fines, coupled with negative publicity, can have a devastating impact on a charity’s operations and donor trust.

For instance, a UK transgender charity was fined £25,000 by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for failing to adequately secure the personal data of its users. This breach resulted in the names and email addresses of 550 individuals becoming searchable online, highlighting the real-world consequences of inadequate data protection measures.

In addition to potential financial penalties, charities may also experience a loss of donor confidence and trust, leading to decreased support and funding. Therefore, safeguarding sensitive data and implementing robust cyber security measures is essential for protecting the integrity and reputation of a charity.


How can I Educate Staff and Volunteers Who Work for My Charity about Cyber Security?

Educating staff and volunteers about cyber security is crucial for protecting your charity from cyber threats, especially if you lack a dedicated IT department. With so much guidance available, it can be challenging for small organisations to know where to start.

At OneCollab, we offer bespoke Cyber Security Training programmes designed specifically for charities. Our training is tailored for individuals with no prior cyber knowledge and focuses on improving your organisation’s cyber resilience. Key components of our training include:

  • Protecting Your Organisation Against Ransomware: Learn strategies to defend against ransomware attacks and understand how to respond if one occurs.
  • Securing Employee Devices: Ensure that the devices used by your employees and volunteers are secure, reducing the risk of breaches.
  • Creating Strong Passwords: Understand the importance of strong passwords and learn how to create and manage them effectively.
  • Defending Against Phishing: Identify phishing attempts and take proactive measures to prevent falling victim to these attacks.

Our interactive training puts your staff in the driving seat. They will engage in activities, answer questions, identify potential issues, and suggest how to prevent and tackle common cyber security challenges.

Empower your team with the knowledge and skills they need to protect your charity from cyber threats. Enquire Today.