Zero Trust Network Access (ZNTA)

Enhancing Financial Security: Empowering Financial Organisations with Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

October 27, 2023

Jaco Dreyer


In today’s increasingly digitised world, financial organisations are undergoing a profound transformation, transitioning from legacy data centres to cloud-based and software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions. At the heart of this transformative journey lies the adoption of Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA).  

Amid the looming threats of ransomware and cyberattacks, ZTNA emerges as a revolutionary approach that liberates security from the confines of perimeter-based defences. Its scalability and agility align perfectly with the needs of the financial sector, providing effective protection for a dispersed workforce. 

A recent report by CIPD underscores the urgency of this transformation. In the past year alone, a staggering 2 million UK workers resigned, citing a lack of flexible working options as their primary reason. Additionally, the report revealed that 71% of employees favour flexible working models over traditional in-office set-ups. 

With the rise of hybrid working arrangements and increased cloud adoption, the evolution of access management to critical enterprise applications, regardless of their hosting location, has become paramount. ZTNA introduces an innovative security and access framework that seamlessly connects users to enterprise resources while enhancing the user experience. 

What Is Zero Trust Security Model? 

The Zero Trust security framework is founded on the fundamental principle of “never trust, always verify.” It challenges the conventional notion of inherent trust and underscores the importance of robust, continuous authentication and authorisation for both devices and users. Within the broader scope of Zero Trust, ZTNA emerges as a specific set of technologies tailored to deliver secure remote access to applications and services while adhering to well-defined access control policies. 

Zero Trust Security Model

In contrast to traditional Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), which often grant unrestricted access to an organisation’s entire Local Area Network (LAN), ZTNA solutions operate on a default principle of denial. Put simply, they grant access only to the specific services and resources that a user has explicitly been authorised to access. 

Zero Trust Model Principles  

The core principles of the Zero Trust Model form the foundation of its security framework. They are designed to strengthen security by reducing reliance on trust assumptions and maintaining continuous validation of access: 

Least Privilege Access

 Users and devices are granted the minimum access required to perform their designated tasks. This approach reduces the potential attack surface and mitigates damage in the event of a breach. Trust is no longer reliant on predefined roles but is instead determined explicitly for each access request. 


 To prevent potential attackers from moving laterally within the network, it’s divided into smaller, isolated segments. Even if one segment is compromised, the rest of the network remains secure. This strategy effectively compartmentalises the network, making it difficult for malicious actors to navigate freely. 

Continuous Monitoring and Verification

 Zero Trust places a strong emphasis on real-time monitoring of user and device activities. Any deviations from established norms or suspicious activities trigger immediate action. This ongoing validation ensures that trust is a dynamic concept, ready to be adjusted or revoked as the situation demands. 

Strict Access Control

Access control decisions hinge on various contextual factors, including user identity, device health, and location. Contextual information plays a pivotal role in making access determinations, enabling organisations to adapt access permissions based on the prevailing circumstances, thus minimising risks. 


Data is safeguarded through encryption, both at rest and during transit, adding an extra layer of security against unauthorised access. This robust encryption ensures that, even in cases of unauthorised access, the data remains unintelligible to malicious actors, significantly enhancing data security. 

These core principles collectively bolster the overarching philosophy of the Zero Trust Model: never trust, always verify. By implementing these principles, financial organisations can enhance their cyber security posture and effectively respond to the ever-evolving threat landscape. 

What is Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)? 

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a remote access solution grounded in the principles of zero trust. ZTNA establishes an innovative security framework, built on the foundation of the zero trust model, to facilitate user access to enterprise resources. Private applications connect to the ZTNA broker via application gateways. Upon user connection, the cloud-based ZTNA broker diligently verifies the user’s identity and security posture before granting access to authorised applications. 

Zero Trust Network Access (ZNTA)

Users, no matter where they are or what device they’re using, unlock direct access to applications hosted across the digital spectrum. This ensures a consistent user experience while empowering financial institutions with robust policy controls. It’s the freedom to work securely, anytime, anywhere, in the ever-dynamic world of finance. 

Why Choose ZTNA? 

In the fast-paced world of finance, making the right choice in cyber security is paramount. ZTNA doesn’t just secure access; it redefines it. By placing identity and context at the forefront — considering users, devices, locations, and applications — ZTNA empowers financial institutions with the precision and control needed to safeguard their most critical enterprise resources. 

But ZTNA isn’t just about locking down access for your employees. It’s a versatile guardian that extends its protective mantle to scenarios where businesses engage with external partners and contractors. As the financial industry sees a surge in the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) within its networks, ZTNA remains steadfast, ensuring these new entries don’t compromise security. 

ZTNA operates as a dynamic gatekeeper, considering an array of factors to determine access privileges, granting or denying them with finesse. Its flexibility knows no bounds—it can shield resources residing in data centres, home networks, or public/private clouds. What’s more, it adapts to provide varying access levels based on a myriad of attributes, seamlessly fitting into your existing identity infrastructure. 

Benefits of ZTNA Architecture 

In today’s landscape, organisations are discovering the myriad of benefits that ZTNA model can offer. Here are some of the most compelling reasons why you should consider making the switch: 

Reduce Attack Surface  

ZTNA takes the lead in enhancing your security posture by significantly reducing the attack surface. By eliminating the exposure of protocols and services to the public internet, ZTNA acts as a powerful shield against potential threats. In the world of finance, where data breaches can have catastrophic consequences, ZTNA’s ability to bolster your security defences is invaluable. It ensures that only authorised entities can access your critical assets, minimising the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches. 

Protect Data and Mitigate Insider Risk 

In the dynamic world of finance, where the stakes are high, ZTNA assures that your data is safe from both external and internal risks. By detecting data usage, monitoring activities, and identifying behaviour anomalies, ZTNA offers comprehensive data protection. It enforces advanced Data Loss Prevention (DLP) rules and policies, ensuring that sensitive financial information remains confidential. Additionally, ZTNA adopts an adaptive access policy based on user risks, making it a formidable defence against insider threats.  

Secure Remote Access

Since the onset of the pandemic, many organisations have shifted toward a hybrid or remote workforce model. While many rely on virtual private networks (VPNs) to facilitate this transition, it’s important to recognise that VPNs come with inherent limitations, such as scalability challenges and a lack of integrated security measures. 

Traditional VPNs typically provide authenticated users with unrestricted access to the network, which can inadvertently heighten exposure to cyber threats. However, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), especially when seamlessly integrated into a Software-Defined WAN (SD-WAN) or Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solution, presents an innovative approach to crafting a remote access system. This approach is tailored to limit remote workers’ access to only the resources necessary for their specific roles, effectively enhancing security and minimising potential risks. 

Seamless User Experiences

In the fast-paced world of financial services, every second counts. ZTNA understands this urgency and ensures that user traffic flows seamlessly and directly to the desired applications. Unlike traditional approaches where user traffic is routed through data centres, leading to potential bottlenecks and slower access times, ZTNA takes the shortest route. This boosts financial professionals’ productivity by providing lightning-fast access to critical data and applications, enabling swift, informed decision-making.

Effortless Scale

Whether you’re expanding your team, embracing new technologies, or responding to market shifts, ZTNA offers effortless scalability. By opting for a cloud-based ZTNA service, you gain the agility to adapt your security infrastructure as needed. You can seamlessly scale capacity by leveraging additional licenses without the headaches of complex hardware installations or infrastructure overhauls. This flexibility ensures that your cyber security solutions align with your financial institution’s growth and evolving security requirements. 

Fast Deployment  

Traditional security solutions often involve lengthy deployment processes, potentially leaving vulnerabilities exposed for an extended period. ZTNA bucks this trend by offering rapid deployment. In a matter of days, you can have ZTNA up and running, protecting your critical assets from evolving cyber threats. This swift implementation enhances security and agility, ensuring business continuity and regulatory compliance for your financial institution.

Conclusion: Secure Your Financial Future with ZTNA 

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial services, ensuring the utmost security is not a choice—it’s a necessity. Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) stands as a sentinel, guarding your organisation’s most critical assets. 

Don’t leave your financial future to chance. Embrace ZTNA and unlock the power of cutting-edge security. Safeguard your data, streamline remote access, and scale effortlessly. 

Ready to empower your financial security? Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards a safer future with ZTNA. 


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